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TGD048 Double Standards & Radical Racism with Will Johnson of Unite America First

3 years ago

Will Johnson is the founder of Unite America First and host of “Let’s talk about it” with Will Johnson and an AVID Trump Supporter. Will and I talk about his experience on a Southwestern flight where a flight attendant told Will he did not have freedom of speech or expression on the plane because of a shirt he was wearing that offended her. I guess airplanes are communist areas? Will and I also talk about double standards and the dangerous critical race theory in schools.

Will Johnson Website;
UAF NEWS - Unite America First
Where To Connect With Will - Unite America First

Passenger Told to Take His 'F--K Biden' Shirt Off on Airline, or He Would Have to Leave the Plane (thegatewaypundit.com)

Will Johnson - YouTube

The Great Divide Podcast with Alan Jacoby Website:
Podcast | The Great Divide Podcast with Alan Jacoby (thegreatdivide1776.com)


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