POWERFUL: Christians In Hell For Unforgiveness & NOT Living A Righteous Holy Life!P

3 years ago

POWERFUL: Christians In Hell For Unforgiveness & NOT Living A Righteous Holy Life!

WOW, WOW, WOW...This testimony has blown me away! I'm far from perfect, but I'm also not someone who seeks to live a life of sin either.

Father in the Precious, Sinless Name of Jesus, I've been a Born-again, Spirit filled believer in you for 41 years, BUT I ask You once again to forgive me of my sin, and to help me to desire YOUR desires, and to focus my life on living a righteous, Holy life before You & others. I humbly repent of my sin and that You for cleansing me from any & ALL unrighteousness. I rededicate my life to YOU: Spirit, Soul & Body (Mind, Will & Emotions) to You NOW. I thank You for helping me to think & live ever more conscious of You & Your Word. I thank You for Your forgiveness and the Power to life & walk Holy in You in Jesus Name Amen.

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