"The Last Lesson!" || A Poem By Vida Mae Hoye ("My Momma")

3 years ago



To My Children ...
And my Grand-Children ...
The "American Civil War", that freed Black-American slaves, ended on Thursday, April 9th, 1863 in Virginia ...
"Annie" Or According to her Church Obituary ...
"Mother Viola Mcafee" Was born, Tuesday, February 10th, 1885 ...
"Annie" Was My Grandmother's Sister ...
My Mother's Aunt ...
My Great-Aunt ...
It was "Annie" who saved her brothers and sisters ...
From their own home set on fire ...
By the KU KLUX KLAN in the 1900's ...
It was "Annie" ...
Who saved my sister, "Jo-Ann" ...
From dying with a "concoction" made from plants, found in a field ...
"Annie" and my Mother ...
"Vida Mae Pickens" ...
Were close ...
Very close ...
On Saturday, August 28th, 1954 ...
My Mother, "Vida Mae Pickens" ...
Married my Dad, "Walter B. Hoye" ...
On Monday, August 20th, 1956 ...
I was born in Detroit, Michigan ...
On Thursday, July 11th, 1963 "Annie" died ...
On Thursday, August 1st, 1963 my Mother ...
Your Grand-Mother ...
And your Great-Grand-Mother ...
Wrote this poem ...
The poem is entitled ...
And By The Grace of God ...
Here it is ...


A Poem By Vida M. Hoye
Thursday, August 1st, 1963

Oh Auntie, my heart is troubled ...
What shall I do and say?
My Aunt's reply was always the same ...
"Darling, look up and pray."

Oh Auntie, we are in need of money ...
My daughter is sick, they say
Oh darling have you so soon forgotten?
Look up, look up, and pray.

Oh "Vi" why do you questioned me ...
When the power is in your hands.
The answer is as old as the universe ...
and as ageless as the shifting sands.

Again, I see, I must instruct you ...
Instruct you in a spiritual way.
But this time you must remember what I tell you ...
You must remember what I am about to say.

For I will not always be with you ...
I will not always answer my name.
But if my thoughts remain with you ...
Then it will be the same.

Look not to men or rather mortals ...
For they too have walls made of bricks.
Some think they can climb over ...
Others revert to tricks.

This is a most important thought ...
And you must keep it in mind always.
There is only one God in the heavens ...
And to Him you must give your praises.

Remember to read your Bible ...
Thru this you will be sustained.
Remember to say "Thank You" and be grateful ...
For every little thing.

Remember these things when the sun shines.
Remember them when it rains.
Remember when you see the flowers ...
And hear the little birds sing.

Remember the many pleasant hours ...
That you and I have shared.
Remember when all other have forgot ...
And they neither dare or care.

Remember when your heart is heavy ...
And when you are feeling blue.
Remember "Vi" what I have told you ...
And God will take you thru.

Now "Vi" the lesson is over ...
There is only one thing left to say.
Life will be better in every way ....
If you'll only remember ..
To look up dear, and Pray!

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