Shut Them Down -- Info for Litigation Committees July 23, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Shut Them Down -- Info for Litigation Committees July 23, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

I recently recommended that all of our State Assemblies set up a Litigation Subcommittee as part of their Jural Assembly functions.
There are many reasons why it's worthwhile to do this as one of the first Subcommittees, but let's briefly run through why I am recommending this particular action even before you may have your jury pool and other parts complete.
Here's my reasoning --- (1) Many people who join our Assemblies have been attacked by the vermin and are confused, scared, hurting, or plain enraged. They come to us for help, but they are already entangled in a battle with the skunks and don't know what to do. (2) It's the nature of the Beast to attack on all sides at once, seeking to devour the victims. So we have people hurting from all sorts of causes --- IRS, foreclosures, CPS, and on and on. Every case is different, and it is impossible to cover all the causes with limited funding and personnel. (3) Once they come to our doors, these people feel relief, but if they don't get the attention and help they seek to cure their "legal" problems up front, they go on and cause more problems. They start trying to commandeer the Assemblies to help them deal with their lawsuits, etc.
So here is what we do --- we nip all attacks in the bud and we teach people how to do it and we come together to support each other in doing it --- and we organize this response through our Litigation Subcommittees. This will be a rallying point for Americans who have been similarly afflicted, and for Americans who know that they need a firmer understanding of the laws and jurisdictions.
We can run our law education classes through the Litigation Committees at the same time we are assisting each other with current cases.
Now please read the "conversation" below using Florida as an example, and notice the pleasant, laid back, country-style tone that you need to establish with the Judge. Remember that the Judge is the Referee. You don't attack the Referee. You prosecute the Prosecutor, instead.
The Prosecutor is the one who has to establish jurisdiction for the court and also prove his own standing to bring any claim before the court --- and even though this example is far from exhaustive, it's a good place for everyone to start.
At your first hearing, you say something like, "I am sorry, Judge _________ (whatever their name is). We all don't seem to be communicating very well, and I am sorry about that. I am not trying to be misunderstood or hard to understand.

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