Thoughts for Great Britain July 23, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Thoughts for Great Britain July 23, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Though people are used to thinking of "Great Britain" as a country, it's really not. It is a lumpy Federation of countries --- England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, to be precise, which operates under some mutually "donated" delegated powers granted to the British Monarch, otherwise known as Her Royal Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, who acts as their Public Trustee and Owner of all Lands in the Realm.
This is not that much different from the system that was imposed on the Americans --- only that was a custodianship via the Commonwealth instead of a Territorial custodianship ---- not a lot of difference, except as regards the amount of savagery allowed to the Territorial Raj in America, versus the more refined and diabolical savagery of the Municipal Raj in "Great Britain". But I digress.... the real point here is that "Great Britain" and "The United States of America" occupy parallel positions in international jurisdiction, both are Federations of States---States which are by nature singular, unincorporated, and independent. Our States are Wisconsin, New York, Florida, etc. which are all fully formed nation-states in the same sense as England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.
In this way, Great Britain holds the land and sea international jurisdiction, while England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales hold the soil jurisdiction that overlays the international land jurisdiction belonging to Great Britain.
Thus, in the Bilateral "Blue Dot" Banking System, there are two banks, one International Trade Bank, and one Commercial Bank that is owned as a wholly-owned subsidiary by their International Trade Bank. This allows for the People of Great Britain to trade with whoever they like, or conduct commerce with whoever they need to.
Under these two international Banks and their corresponding Accounts, are national Accounts of the independent countries --- international trade bank accounts for England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and commercial accounts for England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, too.
Next, there are County accounts established in the same way.
So, for example, someone living in County Clare, Ireland, will have an account in a Blue Dot Bilateral System Bank, and be able to receive a pre-paid Vendor Account to use to pay off (offset) all debts owed by the STRAWMAN attached to their Proper Name. For most of us that means certain large items like mortgages and automobiles and college loans and utility bills and property taxes will be paid off this way, using a pre-paid credit account. They will have access to traditional banking services as well as credit union services and investment services all under one roof.

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