Billionaire Motivation

3 years ago

How am I going to live today in order to create the tomorrow I'm committed to?” ― Anthony Robbins. Click Here To Make Money Like a Millionaire:☛

Have you ever caught yourself making a bunch of excuses?

It’s always the same cycle: you come up with a life-changing idea…

…imagine what it would be like when you make it happen…

…then put up a wall of reasons why it can’t be done.

Tell me if the following sounds familiar:

“If I only had more time, I could learn how to speak Italian.”

“I'd get off the couch and go to the gym, but I'm just not feeling it today.”

“I’ll get around to writing that book after my schedule clears up. I’ve just been so busy lately!”

Mel Robbins, a motivational speaker, author and CNN commentator, knows this habit all too well.

After her husband’s restaurant business failed, her career floundered, and their savings dried up, she was stuck in a bad place.

And as she tried to take action and do something about her situation, that voice inside her wanted to stop her every step of the way.

But she realized that she couldn't make those changes because a part of her brain refused to.

Mel has done some research on this phenomenon, and science shows that the human mind protects a person from anything unfamiliar or uncomfortable.

That includes any attempt to break out of your situation. To your brain, any kind of change is threatening.

So if you’ve ever felt stuck in your life, or find yourself firing off a bunch of excuses to “protect” yourself from trying something new – you have your mind to thank for that.

And it manifests in ways that you don’t realize. We’re so ingrained in our mental habits sometimes that we don’t notice how we’re silently undermining ourselves.

So a little self-awareness is in order, don’t you think?

I want to bring to light some of the biggest reasons why you’re not pushing things to the next level.

I hope that once you can see these self-sabotaging habits for what they are, you'll step up and do something about it. Today I want to show you a really absurd, but extremely effective "Manifestation Formula"....

This will FORCE the universe to give you the life of your dreams - money, happiness, success, and more... If you aren't where you want to be financially...Listen carefully.

It’s not your fault.

There’s A Force Going On Behind The Scenes
That’s Far More Powerful Than All Of That.
Something that’s decided how your life was going to go when you were just a child. Something that affects how every other method you were ever taught about how to be wealthy works...Click Here To Learn How to Make Money Like a Millionaire:

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