A Race That is Already Won July 23, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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A Race That is Already Won July 23, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

There is a little fear in the air. That fear is being caused by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) which is threatening to move the date for Basel 3 Compliance forward from January 2023 to August 1, 2021.
If they do that, they have already been given Due Process, have already Defaulted, and already been judged guilty--- and will automatically be held liable for all damages and injuries resulting from their action, including the published $1 trillion per life lost or maimed.
They are being reminded of these facts as we speak.
Everyone should be prepared for some "bumps" and changes, but there is no need to panic.
The wheels are turning to release the Vendor Cards to pay the public debts with pre-paid credit.
Each country needs to get its Bilateral Bank Charter filled out, then needs to fill out a Bank Treaty with Global Family Bank, then needs to fill out one simple Registration and one simple Record to get an account established for their Trade Bank and their Commercial Bank.
From the country level bank accounts, accounts are established for each State and each County, or Province, or Parish or whatever other political subunits apply.
At the same time as people are getting relief from debt, the government units will be funded, and redirected to come under the authority of the people in each country, according to their lawful government structure.
Those of you who heeded the call to get your banks organized and who are ready to move on to the Bank Treaty step, please get in touch with me for the next step.
All the accounts being established now are Fiduciary Accounts. Business Accounts will come next.
Putting your money in the Blue Dot banking system will bring the banks back under the Public Law and put an end to the criminality that has infested them for decades.
It will also protect you and yours from such inanities as "bail ins" and "bail outs".
Those of you who are financially astute need to be on the move and talking together now to get ready for the future.
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/07/a-race-that-is-already-won.html

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Trust only the information and
processes found on these websites:
Download and print https://annavonreitz.com
SearchAnnaVonReitz-com https://searchannavonreitz.com/
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Correct Your Status https://theamericanstatesassembly.net/
Assembly Training https://www.assemblytraining.us/
National Debt Relief https://signinamerica.com/
Thank you. ~ Ed

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