Our Pilgrimage -- 25

3 years ago

Today's walk was amazing! I saw lots of cool stuff and I almost stepped on a small grass snake and I almost stepped on a $100 bill!

Notwithstanding my previous comments about the American Church, Denise and I have come across some very healthy ones over the last four years!

For example, there's a church in a medium sized town in Oklahoma that was about 9-years old when we visited it and they had already baptized over 1000 people!

Another example is a semi-mega church in San Antonio where every single man in the church is in a one-on-one discipleship relationship.

Walking deets:
Continuing north bound on US 281 to the Pedernales River.

This walk: Dist: 11.69 km; Time: 2+39; Steps: 14,279
Total: Dist: 272.01 km; Time: 59+59; Steps: 325,100

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