7-23-21 Cyber Expert“Code Monkey Z”Posts Explosive Background Info on Mike Lindell’s Upcoming E.Data

2 years ago

Cyber Expert “Code Monkey Z” Posts Explosive Background Information on Mike Lindell’s Upcoming Cybersecurity Electi@n Data. Mike Lindell befriended President Trump during the Trump Administration. Now Lindell is trying to help save the country by addressing the fraud in the 2020 Electi@n.
Mike Lindell put together his ‘Absolute Truth’ movie months ago. In this video, he interviewed many individuals who were working to unearth the massive amounts of fr@ud in the 2020 Electi@n. During the last segment of the movie, he brought on a lady named Mary Fanning who provided information to him that she assured show that China and multiple other countries were involved in the electi@n by obtaining voting m@chine data in the US and then moving it to China and up to 70 countries where it was edited to give Biden the w!n and then sent back to the US for reporting.

The FBI Is Out of Control, The Light of Truth Will Destroy This Darkness
I used to respect the FBI. When I worked at the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism, I was one of two officers who handled liaison with the FBI on its investigation of the 1988 terrorist bombing of Pan Am 103. My supervisor and I sent out the cables to our Embassies requesting permission for FBI Agents to go to those countries to collect evidence and pursue leads. Ambassador Morris Busby, who headed up the Office of the Coordinator for Counter Terrorism (it is now known as the Bureau for Counter Terrorism) in 1990 put me in charge of advertising the Terrorism Rewards Program and I developed the public service ads, with the help of Diplomatic Security, that launched “Are You the Next Hero?”


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