Opponents' Willing Deception

3 years ago

The Far Left and the Far Right align in Willing Deception of True History to fight the Founders' Fix of Article V...
It's one thing to understand why the Far Left Progressivists fight the #ConventionOfStates because we can undo all of their Anti-Constitutional Policy of 100+ years...
But WHY does the hard-nosed Far Right willingly deceive their rank & file, dues-paying members about the true history of the Founders, the Constitution, & especially Article V, the ultimate States' Rights process.
2 questions..???
1. Why would the leadership of the Far Right willingly deceive their troops when the truth in this day & age can be easily discovered.??
2. Why won't these rank & file individuals, who are proud to say they believe 100% of the Constitution take the initiative to look up the truth and verify what their leadership has told them... Do they just take the easy route & trust someone else's agenda? Are they just too tired to verify statements by their leaders "kool-aid"??
Isn't it time that you checked to verify what you are told..?? They say it is easier to lie to someone then it is to tell that someone they have been lied to...!!!
If someone tells you how the Framers created the Constitution illegally or that there was a Runaway Convention in 1787 or even besmirch the Founding Fathers calling Article V a con-con... VERIFY their half-truths, mis-truths and untruths... These are confidence men looking for favor and should not be assumed to be honest... They Are Lying To You ..!!

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