Make grocery shopping easy with help from your kids

3 years ago

Do you ever dread the coming-home part of grocery shopping?

It wasn’t the actual errand of selecting food for the family that’s the chore. It’s the gargantuan job of putting it away.

(Especially with so many mouths to feed.)

How can you stop dreading the unpack-and-put-away part of grocery errands?

Try these three tips to streamline your post-grocery success.

What you’ll learn:
• Make sure you’re getting help unloading
• Get some “put this away here” delegation going
• Define zones in your pantry for easier grocery put away

Will it be perfect? No.

Did you have to do it? No.

Is it worth it? A thousand times yes.

So try it out. Make zones in your pantry, show the older kids where things go, and do a trial run next time you go grocery shopping.

You’ll like the results.
Life skills for them, more time for you.

You’ve got this!

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