July 23rd, 2021 | The Bulldog Show

2 years ago

Eric Deters the Bulldog reports on Biden on Restaurants, Hunter’s Dealer Sued for Fraud, Girl Scouts- Color Blindness is Racist? Skinny Dipper in Pool, Get Off My Lawn and Die! Satire- U.S. Women’s Boycott Goals, China “Cooperation,” Colorado Flea Plague, 33 Ancient Virus In Chinese Glaciers, Monkey Pox! CNN Loses Its Own Townhall, Tech Liable for Health Misinformation? 33,000 New Yorkers Migrate South, Federal Workers Stay Home, Matt Damon, Mary Katharine Ham/Biden, Ed Henry, Surfside $150 Million, Fauci- Vax & Mask Inside, NFL Players on Vax, Kavanaugh, Iran- Internet, Russia- Internet, Bill Maher- Too PC/Too Sensitive, & Mississippi- Roe v. Wade.

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