What Are We to Believe About COVID Numbers?, 3640

3 years ago

Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.
These new COVID cases are confusing.
According to Uncle Joe Biden and other Democrats the reason people are getting COVID is that they haven’t been vaccinated.
The reason people haven’t been vaccinated is because they are stupid, conspiracy-minded Republicans.
So why are the Democrats from Texas who flew to Washington, DC to hide out from the Texas legislature catching COVID?, Presumably, since all Democrats and not stupid conspiracy minded Republicans, they shouldn’t be able to catch COVID because since they do what they are told and never question government, they have all been vaccinated.
And to top it off, there has even been a COVID breakout among White House employees. It’s a safe bet that even if you looked under the furniture and in the closets you couldn’t find a Republican in the Biden White House. Most of the folks who work there are related to other folks that work there and they are all Democrats who don’t believe in conspiracies, except for the Trump Russian Collusion conspiracy theory and the related Hillary won the 2016 election conspiracy theory.
No, it doesn’t seem to bother Democrats when Tony Fauci says don’t wear masks they don’t work. Then the next week he says that everyone must wear a mask all the time to protect the planet from COVID. A month later, he doubles down and tells America that people should wear two or more masks.
To Democrats that makes perfect sense. Fauci is science! Nevermind that these proclaimations meant that the whole body of science on wearing masks changed in a matter of a few weeks. But, according to Fauci, science does that all the time.
It also makes sense to pause the distribution of a vaccine only approved for emergency use and then a couple of days later say “Oh never-mind. It’s perfectly safe.”
So how could all of these vaccinated people be testing positive for COVID when they are all Democrats and have all been vaccinated and only unvaccinated Republicans are still testing positive for COVID.
Not to cast any doubt on the unquestionable White House science, but it seems one possibility - and of course it is only a possibility - is that there is some tiny flaw in the COVID testing methology. Is it possible that people who were vaccinated and then tested positive don’t actually have COVID, but when they tested positive they had what is called a false positive test. Since the test is unquestionably accurate this doesn’t seem possible.
Of course, another possibility is that it’s not just stupid conspiracy-minded Republicans who have not been vaccinated, but chances are that some smart rational Democrats have not gotten around to being vaccinated too.
But that would fly in the face of Uncle Joe’s word that the problem is with Republicans.
But there is one other possibility; according to Fox New’s Bill Melugin reporting from the border yesterday, during the first two weeks of July there has been a 900% increase in illegals entering this country who tested positive for COVID.
Seeing as how only 5 of those people are in the hospital today, that means most of the COVID infected illegals are now roaming the country free as a bird.
We’ll just have to wait for Dr. Science - I mean Dr. Fauci - to tell us what to believe.
I’m still reporting from just outside the one-time citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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