Overwhelmed by your day-to-day mom life?

3 years ago

How many days this week have you reached the end of your reserves, looked at your to-do list, and kept right on going?

Probably most days. Am I right?

There’s a way to quit running on fumes – to make sure you get what you need, too – and it doesn’t involve pushing through empty.

Here are three tips you can put into practice right now to say goodbye to exhaustion, forever.

What you’ll learn:
• Your first task: pay attention to your normal energy flow
• Now that you’ve gotten your data, analyze for patterns
• Once you see your own patterns, it’s time to play offense

There you go. You know how to pull yourself out of mommy exhaustion mode, now.

So what are you going to try today?

Will you tackle the mid-morning breakdown, the post-lunch stress point, or the naptime nadir? Just pick one thing for today, and try it.

Tomorrow, evaluate how that went for you and try something else. You’ll soon see a pattern of what works for you (and your family), and what isn’t quite right.

And one day soon, those days of running and running while your gas tank hovers on empty? Those will be over. Gone. Bye bye.

A receding memory that you’re glad to leave behind.

So tell me, what are you changing today?

You’ve got this!

Routines for introverted moms:

Wishing you could actually like your life (with kids) again?
Watch your on-demand class: https://yourunbusylife.com/application/

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