The fastest route to fewer chores for you

2 years ago

Want to know the fastest way to get rid of your chores?

Dump them on the kids. (I’m only half-joking here.)

Seriously – the quickest route to you doing less work as a mom is to get other people in on the game.

To turn yourself into a middle manager of sorts who helps other people (like, little people) get chores done while you yourself don’t lift a finger in the process.

(Okay, okay, you will have to lift those fingers as you’re demonstrating the correct way to spray the mirror.)

Interested? I thought so.

Let’s take a closer look at the chore delegation process.

What you’ll learn:
• The first thing you want to do is make a comprehensive list of what you’re doing
• Why are you the person dusting the bookshelves? Does it have to be you?
• You need more help, they need more life skills.

And presto, you’ve got your new system! One where you’re doing far fewer chores than you used to.

Think about it – life without a mountain of housekeeping, cooking, and maintenance chores every single day.

Doesn’t that sound enticing? Isn’t that worth working toward?

I’d say it is – and I bet you would do.

So write up that chore list, parcel it out between the kids (and yourself – sharp knives, remember?), and put in the work upfront to teach them how to do everything.

Your delegation strategy is succeeding.

You’ve got this!

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