Are you believing these myths about slow living?

2 years ago

Have you ever wondered what the point is of slow living? Thought, “Why would I want a slow-motion life?”

Then today’s episode is for you.

I’m breaking down three reasons why a slow life IS better for you – aka, exactly what this “slow living” thing is all about!

What you’ll learn:
• Living slow reduces your stress level
• When you take up slow living, your kids get a better mommy
• You gain time to let the white space happen

Now it’s your turn

What do you need to do today – drop today – to make everything shift?

What dominos would instantly produce a slower pace of life for you, if removed?

(Meal planning, kid wakeups, cleaning routine….)

I challenge you to find 3 things that you can cut – right now – to make a difference.

Start living your slow life today.

You won’t want to go back.

You’ve got this!

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