9- Questioning The Mainstream Narrative and Discovering Truth - Justin Douglas

2 years ago

Listen to the episode here: https://anchor.fm/leadersforgood/episodes/9--Justin-Douglas-e14rtht

We had an awesome chat with Justin Douglas, host and creator of Canada's Social Change-Makers YouTube Channel.

But first who is Justin?

Justin Douglas is an actor, yogi and activist. He hosts Canada’s Social Change-Makers, a YouTube series of interviews with progressive Canadians making a positive impact in their communities. Justin also holds degrees in political science from the University of Victoria and in common and civil law from McGill University. He lives in Victoria, BC with his partner, David, and their four cats and three dogs.

From political legal social justice knowledge and with his entertainment experience, Justin decided to bridge the two and create Canada's Social Change-Makers YouTube Channel and provide progressive media that speaks to the public interests with the best interests of the public.

We discussed the manipulation in mainstream media, how to deal with the darkness of the pandemic in these times, how covid has been a world-wide opportunity for humanity to rethink life, wake up to our values and reflect on how we treat each other as a society and we also discussed the topics of capitalism, democracy, trauma, resilience and more.

There was a lot that stood out to us in this very important discussion. A mic drop (out of many) for us was when Justin said, "People looking towards these people like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos whom are only looking to accumulate wealth for themselves to be the saviors of our society is a detriment to us. These are not the people who care about us, these are not people who are going to save us - we have to save ourselves and now is the time to do so."

When you do your research and look into Elon, Jeff and Bill you can see how corrupt their own companies are and if we as a society, are looking up to them for leadership, it's not going to turn out well for us. We recorded this video back in February and now it's July when were releasing this. We believe billions of people since then have woken up to the fact that the so called leaders of the world are causing more harm than good to humanity and people worldwide are tired of it and holding all levels of their leadership (elected officials) accountable.

Money talks and where you spend your money on, matters.

If you stop buying at Amazon, that's going to give small businesses a chance to recover through the pandemic. Here at Leaders For Good - we don't support Amazon, we care deeply about our communities and keeping them alive and prosperous.

This is a very thought-provoking episode. We always encourage critical and creative thinking. Have you been wondering why certain things have been happening? Have you researched why liquor and cigarette stores got to stay open while gyms, yoga studios etc closed during lock-downs? Do you think this is about the betterment of society and better health? What do you think about the information the mainstream media is presenting to you? Do you take it as fact or have you checked in with your intuition, done your own research, gathered other sources of information on the subject and talked to those who may actually be experiencing it? Why is the government trying to influence society to take actions that we know aren't healthy for us? AND a very important question to ask is WHY in a first world country in Canada do our citizens not have access to clean water, food, basic livable income and more? If this last question is new to you - ask why you don't know about this?

There are many actions we all can take to save ourselves and each other. Check out this episode with Justin Douglas - We know you're going to enjoy it, digest it and receive a lot of value from it.

Connect with Justin here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1pu5lko-ck

Thank you for watching and listening!

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