How to ditch the superwoman mindset

2 years ago

Time for some #realmom talk:

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a superhero movie? You know, one where all the cards are stacked against you, and your powers just aren’t materializing?

You’re supposed to be this wonderful, amazing mom – have a great house – be out with friends regularly – get fit and stay fit – have a hobby (to stay interesting) – eat healthy (whatever the latest trend for that is) – have a career/passion project for personal fulfillment – and oh yes, be an awesome wife.

And then, somehow, life doesn’t work out that way.
• Babies come with blowouts and spit-ups and three-times-a-night feedings.
• Toddlers constantly need sippy cup refills, restraint from hitting and throwing, and feeding time clean-up.
• Older kids require character parenting plus a whole slew of “no, math is not stupid” and “yes, you have to pick up your room” reinforcements.

You’re like: “I’m sorry, I think I’m more interested in trying to finish that cup of coffee than brainstorming what personal passion project I should go for and whether I’ve given my husband five loving touches today!”

That’s today’s motherhood.

But: it’s all a myth – and you don’t have to stay there.

What you’ll learn:
• No one is superwoman IRL
• Sometimes you just need a break
• It’s all about forward progress

You’re getting there. There is a difference.

It’s all small stuff, but three dozen daily tweaks over two months and you’ll have a much different experience of motherhood.

Give yourself a 30-day challenge: what expectation, chore, or routine am I going to change today to make my life better?

And then see where you’re at on Day 31. Go on – it’s going to be amazing.

Stop playing superwoman, try one thing at a time, and watch your life explode. (In a good way, of course.)

You’ve got this!

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