The Nuremberg Trials Was A Sad Sick Joke.

3 years ago

This will upset many. But The Nuremberg Trials were supposed to set a precedent for international law for actions in war, ethics in science, and restraint against civilians. Yet since then, crimes against humanity go unpunished constantly. Democrats ignored the crimes of Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, and many others. HUmanity has not banded together against the Somali warlords, the Chinese, the Cubans, North Korea or Venezuela. Global corruption and crime is big business. In America, Democrats control most of the nation's wealth and use the state's power to destroy companies and enrich others. Not one of these officials is rarely held accountable for their corruption. Instead, loopholes allow them to retire and walk away unscathed. When judges, prosecutors, the DOJ, FBI and state police do not act, the people must demand their removal and a complete ban from holding any public office again. The Democrats party holds no one accountable. It must be broken up. Those funding must be RICO for all the government contracts delivered to them. It is time Democrats who engaged in influence peddling, money laundering through NGOs, insider trading, and violation of civil rights be RICOed, jailed, and then they and their banned from public office. When Will, The People, Hold Democrats Accountable? I call it the Nuremberg Principle. The idea is that a government cannot make a crime legal. The idea is that when a government legalises a crime, it is a crime against humanity. To allow wanton destruction, abandon its citizens, and fail to enforce the law is a crime. Yet Democrats turn a blind eye to illegal immigrants. Many of whom committed many more crimes than just contempt of US sovereignty. Democrats legalised marriage fraud against men with alimony. San Fransisco has legalised shoplifting. New York and California turn a blind eye to Black men brutally attacking Asians. Chicago and other cities turned a blind eye to looting. All those officials should be held accountable for crimes against humanity. The crime of protecting criminals is a crime. The Democrat party is organised crime and have betrayed every American who fought for civil rights and freedom from the revolution to the civil war to two world wars. The worst is war profiteering. Billions wasted by Democrats starting wars they do not intend to win, do not fight to win, do not provide the means to win, do not engage in killing the enemy, failing to prosecute captured enemy fighters, stack up piles of arms that never get used to enrich the contractors, and worst of all, turn against the very wars they start for political points. The only lasting legacy of The Nuremberg Trials is the Democrats can do as they please, and the people will not stop them because the Democrats were in the right clothes, talk presidential, and are nice. Al Capone had manners in public too. So much for not judging a book by its cover.
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