Dr. Brytney Cobia Does Not Exist. Prove Me Wrong.

2 years ago

In addition to what you see in the video, I also checked for "Kobia" and for any "Brytneys" in Internal Medicine at Grandview Medical Center in Birmingham, spelled ANY way in case she recently got married. No Brytneys. One of the odd things about our "Dr." is the press cannot agree on how her name is spelled. Is she Brytny, Brytney, Brittany, Cobia or Kobia? NONE OF THE ABOVE. I tried them all, no one by any of those names works at Grandview Medical in Birmingham.
Yelp type review pages all have a listing for her, NOT ONE REVIEW. Ever. She also does not list her medical school, as all doctors do that in their bio. Well, except make believe doctors.
I called Grandview and asked to leave a message for Dr. Brytney Corbia, they sent me to the voice mail of Public Relations.
Furthermore, if she existed: Denying a dying patient treatment is heinous, the stupid jab HAS emergency use authorization. It is the ONLY authorization it has. And odder still, if I was dying of Coof, I would demand HCQ or Ivermectin, and so would everyone I know that is refusing the jab. Why would someone beg for prevention when they need a cure?
IT IS ALL A LIE. Please help get the word out, I would love to see some big dog take this story and expose this bullshit.

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