99% BEZOS BORG: Fauci vs Paul, Pelosi Positive, King Pegasus Prime, ESG Takeover - CCNT 365

3 years ago

Canary Cry News Talk 365 - 07.21.2021 - 99% BEZOS BORG: Fauci vs Paul, Pelosi Positive, King Pegasus Prime, ESG Takeover
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Milwaukee Bucks NBA Champ SUPER SPREADERS (Clip)
Fauci v Paul (Clip)
Fauci tells Anti-Vaxxers to Sit Down and STFU (Vanity Fair)
Cycle of ABUSE

Largest Brokk Demolition robot arm arrives in US (Agg-Net, Brokk Demo)

Bezos Space Montage
Bezos Blasts off (Clip)
Bezos in space, skittles (Clip)
Bezos lands (Clip)
Bezos reacts (Clip)
Congressman, Space Tourism Tax (Yahoo Finance)

Australians told not to be friendly to neighbors (Clip) [compare]
Kamala compares getting jab to Bible (Clip)
Renz official lawsuit document, disappointing (Renz Law)
UK Chief Science Advisor “corrects” himself (Yahoo)
99 problems Sources:Director of Doom, Walenski - Fauci on July 6 [NPR quotes Fauci]-

Virginia News [WHSV 3] (Clip)
Louisiana News [Doctor never says 99%] (Clip)
AP back in June, massive correction (AP)
More recently, Kentucky claims 99%, but with caveat (NBC Lex 18)
Ohio news reports 99%, claims CDC numbers (NBC 4i) (Clip)
WSJ uses North Carolina to get 99%, fudging numbers (WSJ)
Luz Pena, SF reports 99% and “Pandemic of Unvaccinated” (ABC 7) (Clip)

The Life Cycle of a Vaccine Lie (KNPR)
Trump supporter, anti-vaxxer dies from covid (Newsweek)

Pelosi aid gets covid, vaccinated (Axois)
Backlash beings as Biden Packs Court (Wa. Examiner)

BREAK (producer party)

Behold, the Borg! DNA that assimilates! (Scientific American)

Scientists warn “bleak cyborg future” (SciTechDaily)

Project Pegasus, Ten prime ministers, 3 presidents and a king (Wapo)

ESG Talent War is Here, Basil and Gonz can help (GreenBiz)
Russian central bank advises companies to disclose ESG agenda (Reuters)

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