Universe Gives 5th Dimension CBD Business Plan, Help Animals w/Pain

2 years ago

We’re grateful for this client giving permission to share his session so that it may help those in similar situations heal. This semi-awake, theta hypnosis session was done with a client that had a candid conversation with his higher-self and Oversoul about his soul group and the lessons he is learning from. We talk to his EGO and give it suggestions for a happy existence with the higher-self of this person. The Oversoul gives him a very comprehensive 5th dimension business plan for how to create CBD business to help animals worldwide ease their pain. Some of the ideas we've never even conceived of. It was really exciting to hear fresh ideas from the universe. We're still in the early stages of the 5th dimension and these are transitions.

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DISCLAIMER: QHHT and BQH are the two “exploratory" hypnosis modalities I use to get clients into theta brain waves to connect to universal consciousness. The practitioner is not a healer. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and Eastern Energy Chakra Balancing service are offered to local residents in the Seattle, WA, USA area! The reason why is due to the in-person nature of these modalities. However, an online hypnosis session is available using the Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) modality. Both modalities may bring forth past lives, present life, future life, and life-between-life memories. Both modalities may connect to your higher-self, ego, and the oversoul (universal consciousness). Both modalities may connect and bring forward deceased loved ones. Both modalities may facilitate energy self-healing. Typically, my clients reach out to me to schedule recurring 6th senses consultations as their spiritual awakening (s) and ascension level(s) up as they amplify dormant 6th senses.

If you want to schedule a hypnosis session with Von, then please visit the website for details.

Merkaba Chakras:

Von's Author Page:

Dolores Cannon QHHT Practitioner Registry:

View my practitioner profile on the Beyond Quantum Healers (BQH) registry:

#CareerChange, #CareerPlanning, #ChangeJobs, #FindingPassion, #LovingYourWork, #CareerFocus, #CareerHypnosis, #QHHTHypnosis, #SeattleHypnosis, #TalkHigherSelf, #MerkabaChakrasQHHT, #QuantumHealing, #QuantumHealingHypnosisTechnique, #QHHT, #VonGalt, #5thDimensionCareers, #CBDBusinessPlan, #CBDAlchemy, #CannabisBusinessIdeas, #CannabisCBDIdeas, #EGO, #WorkingwithEgo, #GoodEGO

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