Fr. John Corapi ~ THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ~ Pt.5: The Pope

3 years ago

When the Pope speaks definitively, meaning he intends to define a matter of faith and morals, (and there are certain conditions that have to be in place for that) when he confirms the brethren in faith, when he is acting as Peter the Bishop of Rome, he has a special gift, special guidance. The Assumption for instance, The Immaculate Conception, when the Pope defined doctrinal matters, is there any chance it could be wrong? For instance, there were some theologians that didn't like the idea that POPE PIUS XII defined The Assumption in 1950, the doctrine that Mary is Assumed into Heaven Body and Soul. I don't know why they have a problem with that, but is there any chance it could be wrong? maybe the Pope made a mistake? NO!.. No chance!

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