Earth-Sized Rogue Planets Discovery | SpaceTime S24E83 | Astronomy & Space Science Podcast

2 years ago

The Astronomy, Technology, and Space Science News Podcast.
SpaceTime Series 24 Episode 83
*Discovery of four Earth sized rogue planets all alone in the night
A new study has found tantalising evidence for a mysterious population of “free-floating” so called rogue planets -- planets which aren’t orbiting a host star.
*Cosmic filaments spinning in space
A new study has confirmed that the filaments which make up the cosmic web like structure of the universe are spinning in space.
*China’s space program moves into high gear
China has ramped up its launch campaign as Beijing continues its build up to war with no less than three orbital missions in four days.
*The Science Report
Study claims symptomatic COVID-19 patients take 80 days to return to a normal heart rate.
The upper atmosphere contracting due to increasing greenhouse gas emissions.
The Large Hadron Collider measures lepton flavour universality.
Israel tests a prototype high powered airborne laser to shoot down drones.
Alex on Tech: Microsoft's PrintNightmare computer vulnerability
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