Part 2 edited No Trespassing, Prophesy July 17th, 2021 9th of AV

2 years ago

Read Along:
United States Constitution was signed by 39 of 55 delegates September 17, 1787 2021-1787= 234 No Bill of Rights. On September 25, 1789, the first Congress of the United States adopted 12 amendments to the U.S. Constitution–the Bill of Rights–and sent them to the states for ratification. Ten of these amendments were ratified in 1791
We the people will have nothing to do without the Bill of Rights. We did not sign onto or agree to a Constitution without the Bill of Rights.
Which means we are separate as States now, when the President and Congress, The DOJ and The Supreme Court, other government bodies Blatantly
Refuse to acknowledge the Bill of Rights. Ratification of The Constitution is Dependent on the adherence to The Bill of Rights. We the People, States walk away from the covenant until there is a
Repentance of all States and Government bodies.
Rights come from God. If a man has falling away from God we can no longer obey any law he wants , Whether it is a few or the whole of congress. Biden definitely has fallen away from God.
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