We need help in maintaining this historic church....

2 years ago

My name is Tom Barnes, and I have pastored New Covenant Reformed Baptist Church since 2006. Our confession of faith is the 1689 London Baptist Confession. We are an independent Baptist church, incorporated as a non-profit.

The building you see in the drone footage was completed in 1813, and from what I am told, this is the oldest standing church building in our Central Kentucky county. Our congregation is faithful, but very small. Recently we have found this old historic building needs some major work, therefore we are asking you for help. I obviously don’t want to take any offerings away from your local, home church. However, no donation is too small in helping maintain this building, which has been a part of our rich, American Baptist history. Therefore, if you are so inclined, I have provided a donation link below to New Covenant Reformed Baptist Church Incorporated’s official Paypal account below. Thank you for your time and prayerful consideration as we attempt to maintain our building and grounds! May God bless you and yours, soli Deo gloria!


The drone footage was graciously provided by Tim Hoover, so check out his channels by searching “Dreamingcreek.”

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