Cute Dog Bailey Loves and Hugs little Baby

3 years ago

Bailey is a cute awesome dog and it always try to play with someone.

For thousands of years, this dog has been selectively bred based on various behaviors, sensory abilities, and physical characteristics. Dog breeds vary greatly in shape, size, and color. They play many roles for humans, such as hunting, grazing, hauling loads, protecting, assisting the police and the army, accompanying, treating and helping the disabled. This type of influence in human society has earned them the nickname "man's best friend."

Domestic dogs are domesticated descendants of wolves. The dog originated from the extinct wolf in ancient times, and the modern gray wolf is a close relative of the dog. More than 15,000 years ago, before the development of agriculture, dogs were the first species to be domesticated by hunter-gatherers. Long-term interaction with humans allows dogs to uniquely adapt to human behavior.

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