Whistle Blowers News Reports New Zealand Wednesday 21st July 2021

2 years ago

This is a News Report from the beautiful country of New Zealand updating corona virus matters and other injustices of the corroded corrupted prime ministers roles & parliament occult legislation used to EMPOWER POLICE white power hate gangs. They are using individuals as their guinea pigs to practise their dirty terrorist, Hate speech, internet censorship laws, and their intimidation tactics on sovereigns and citizens in general. THE OUTCOME IS A POSITIVE OVERSIGHT TO OVERTHROW THE corrupt criminal operations by a Civilian sovereign police force, and a NEW JUSTICE SYSTEM OF COURTHOUSE ORDERS to serve upon these genocide criminal operators offices. WE ARE THE REAL NEW WORLD ORDER....WE HAVE THE POWER! WE ARE THE FUTURE TO EVOLUTION! WE ARE THE MOVEMENT OUT FROM THESE TYRANNY colonial powers of oppression. Korero Mai News is reporting on the ground corporate crime syndicates in plain sight. Today, we caught Police uniforms involved in offending. Where is Justice? Update 2024 - From New Zealand, Australian Defense Force nazis is SERCO, a freemason neonazi corporation owned by the buckingham germans William of Wales. They are hijacking NZ courts-prisons-police-health-law & social welfare raiding & murdering beneficiaries private estates. Politicians & police work for these cult psychopaths hiding under UN-WEF-WHO-Nato-EU-CCP & pentagon contracts. STOP THE CRIME!

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