Reading the Bible With An Attitude of Humility And Respect

3 years ago

Proverbs 3:5: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”

Your attitude towards the bible can help or hinder your level of biblical understanding. To truly understand and receive the fullness of God's revelation of knowledge and truth we must approach the scriptures with an attitude of humility and respect.

1. Pray for understanding and act on what you learn, be a doer of the word

2. Keep and open mind - be wiling to change your opinions and behaviors, have the mindset of a little child who is eager to learn.

3. Seek instruction and correction

4. Accept the inspiration of the entire bible - see it as the inspired word of God, God breathed

5. Accept the evidence of inspiration - its internal consistency, the proofs of archaeology and prophecy

6. Conform your beliefs to scripture not human traditions

The bible is more than a book, more than a historic document, more than a cultural icon. The bible is God's communication to you, to all mankind. As such it demands you approach it with a proper attitude.

Humbly seek understanding [in both study and prayer]. Humbly be willing to admit error. Humbly seek instruction and course correction. Respectfully accept the bible as the word of God. In respect and fear let it change the way you see reality, and how you behave.

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