Vortex Astronaut Reincarnates as Human for Earth's 5D Ascension - Hypnosis w/Von Galt

3 years ago

We’re grateful for this client giving permission to share his session.

Lifetime #1: He is blissful as a spiral galaxy being, which is drawn to another nearby purple spiral galaxy.

Science note: galaxies are typically purple, orange/white spirals as seen by Hubble space images. The Norway Spiral phenomena in 2009 & 2017 are a spiral in the night sky.

Lifetime #2: He's a purple octopus-type ocean creature with large tentacles who has a baby octopus-type ocean creature and lives in an underwater cave along a coast with a lighthouse. No people. There's a lot of black vortex underwater whirlpools in the ocean he swims by.

Science note: Octopuses typically die shortly following breeding. After mating, a female will lay up to 74,000 eggs or more in a deep den or cave and live there for seven months watching over them. Rarely will she survive to care for a baby octopus, but if she does, she usually dies shortly afterward in an underwater cave. We're learning a lot about underwater deep-sea creatures.

Lifetime #3: He is a humanoid space explorer who enters a large golden archway into a vortex area of golden orange and pink light. There are 4-5 feet tall golden flame energy humanoids who are watching him explore their world and making sure he doesn't hurt himself. He belongs to no organization, has no mission and direction, and has no ties to other people.

Lifetime #3/4: He is a one-person space explorer w/no companion, no organization ties, or missions. He directs his spaceship into golden orange and purple vortex and ends up on a forest planet where he is so excited he finally met another being to interact with. He becomes friends with a beak-like humanoid for a while before he leaves his friend to explore the rest of the planet. It's been so long since he interacted with anyone so he was excited.

Earth Lifetime:
He has loving parents and 2 siblings. He has 1 divorce because his ex-wife wanted some direction and goals for their relationship. He is in a good relationship now and has 2 adult step-daughters. He is learning where he can be of service in this new relationship. He is frustrated with the dramas of others who he can't help, the meanness of others, and his co-workers perceive him as "lazy" because they have no clue what his intentions are for his career in the company.

Conversation with subconscious Summary:
- The subconscious agreed to answer our questions, but then after many times of getting approval, the subconscious did not answer. I have never had that happen.
- Suggested advice from the QHHT registry where this happened are to pre-record the session with the questions and have the client listen to it multiple times as he goes to sleep at night. The answers to his questions may come back to him as lucid dreams. It is advised to listen to it multiple times as more healing and visions will be revealed to him.
- Upon my next client session, I asked why the subconscious did not reply with suggestions for this galactic explorer during his session. The subconscious said it will be revealed to him over a series of awakenings as he moves towards becoming a conscious creator of his reality. He just awakened to an interest in metaphysics and parallel realities a week ago and needs time to adjust to the new information. Also, his higher-self wishes for him to decide on how he will explore the concept of developing genuine relationships in this incarnation, which is unique to him as a solo explorer.

Some Unusual Nuances:
My daughter drew a picture on my whiteboard for the client before the session began. My 5-yr daughter called her art, "Vortexes & Me". Also, I had a lucid dream a month ago about the golden flames energy humanoids visiting me in my room to look at me, touch my leg, and left. I immediately woke up and walked out of the room to find them. In this session, the client described these beings exactly and one of his questions was why he was compelled to get a session from me, which we never got answered from the subconscious. The golden flame energy beings in lifetime #3 may have visited me to make sure I would be able to help him find direction in this lifetime and they may have directed him to get a session from me so he can get the most out of this lifetime as he explores the concept of “relationships and personal growth”, which is new to him, the galactic solo explorer.

DISCLAIMER: QHHT and BQH are the two “exploratory" hypnosis modalities I use to get clients into theta brain waves to connect to the oversoul. Both modalities may bring forth past lives, present life, future life, life-between-life memories, connect to your higher-self, ego, and the oversoul (universal consciousness), bring forward deceased loved ones, & facilitate energy healing.

Merkaba Chakras:

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