Ancient Alien Souls Ascend w/Earth to 5th Dimension - 5D Buddhist Prophecy w/Von Galt

3 years ago

Enjoy this enlightening conversation with podcast host Joe Rupe of 'Lighting the Void'. Joe interviews Buddhist author, Von Galt about the Buddhist prophecy regarding the ascension of planet Earth to the 5th dimension. She also explains how people can peacefully adjust to the awakening and ascension experiences they are having in larger doses, how to adjust to personal Mandela Effects, and goes over the hypnosis session she does with the producer of 'Lighting the Void' on how to thrive in the 5th dimension of Unity Consciousness. She explains how the new tools of faster manifestations of the 5th dimension are being brought forth by Earth as we move further into the 5th dimension parallel reality, and how using the old 3rd-dimensional tools of separatism no longer work well in these new energies. If you're sick of 3D triggers and compounded dark nights of the soul blowing up in your life, then STOP and listen to this episode.

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