Pre-Life Planners in the Spirit World? Buddhism 101, Spirit World Jobs

2 years ago

Enjoy this snippet from the interview that Kerry of ‘Alice Eats the Apple: A Joyride Show' does with the author, Von Galt. This cut from the full interview goes over what a Life Planner does in the spirit world and how their job is to help souls plan their next incarnation if they choose to play the Game of Polarity again in the physical dimension somewhere in the cosmos.

Click on the link for the FULL interview:

More about Kerry of ‘Alice Eats the Apple: A Joyride Show’, click on the links below:

Metaphysical Moms YouTube channel:
To learn more about Von's work, please see the links below.

Merkaba Chakras:

Von's Author Page:

Dolores Cannon QHHT Practitioner Registry:

Merkaba Chakras Hypnosis Yelp Listing:

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