Discussion - Autopsy - Vaccinated Patient Dies After Contracting Covid-19

2 years ago

Autopsies are rarely conducted on people who died after getting the Covid-19 injections or after contracting Covid-19 after getting the injections. As a result, no follow-up is being conducted to determine the contributing factors that led to the deaths.

Without this type of scientific research, it is impossible to determine if certain health conditions should be examined when considering if one should or should not take one of the injections. Per the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) database, in just 6 months, more people have died after receiving one of the Covid-19 injections than from all other vaccines combined from the previous 30 years.

This clearly demonstrates some individuals may have common characteristics that should be identified as a warning to others who may share those same characteristics. It is quite alarming the FDA, CDC, NIH and vaccine manufacturers have failed to follow up on these deaths and serious injuries to ensure no one else suffers the same consequences.

While autopsies are rare when the Covid-19 injections are involved, a few have been conducted. This discussion involves one of those rare autopsies. The deceased, an 86 year old male, suffered from hypertension and the autopsy revealed a thickened, enlarged heart, among other conditions.

Interestingly, 60 year old Tim Zook, who also suffered from hypertension, died just four days after getting his 2nd Covid-19 injection. He, too, was one of the few to be autopsied, which revealed a thickened, enlarged heart, though that had never been a factor in any of his yearly medical check-ups.

Did the injections play a role in the thickened, enlarged hearts in both of these cases? Have the injections played a role in the 1,000+ cases of myocarditis and pericarditis in teenagers and young adults reported since April 2021? We don't know, because no one is conducting any in-depth research or making any effort to get to the truth of contributing factors that might need to be considered before getting the injections.

This discussion provides food for thought for the general public. If any of your loved ones die after getting an injection, no matter the time between the injection and death, demand a full autopsy. If possible, you may want to contact Dr. Baxter Montgomery, MD, FACC (Fellow of the American College of Cardiology) or America's Frontline Doctors to share what you learn. Perhaps, if enough people do so, we may be able to get a better idea of what is happening with these injections developed in just a few months and being forced on the world as fast as possible.

America's Frontline Doctors - https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/

Tim Zook Autopsy - https://www.ocregister.com/2021/07/14/x-ray-tech-who-died-after-second-covid-19-vaccine-killed-by-heart-disease-coroner-says/

The history of Big Pharma demands we all ask questions:

1970 - Dr. Kass proves vaccines played no role in the 90% drop in deaths from the top infectious diseases in England and Wales- that drop happened BEFORE the vaccines were developed.

1977 - The McKinlays prove vaccines played no role in the 90% drop in deaths from the top infectious diseases in the U.S.- that drop happened BEFORE the vaccines were developed.

2000 - CDC and John Hopkins admit vaccines played no more than a 1% - 3% role in the reduction of deaths from the top infectious diseases.

2012 - CDC admits clean water played a major role in the decrease of deaths from the top infectious diseases.

Big Pharma took credit for that which it did not do...

1976 - CDC, FDA, NIH convince the president and nation to take 46 million Swine Flu vaccines by spreading massive fear, though only 1 had died and 5 had caught the virus over an 8 month period. The vaccines caused 25 deaths and left hundreds disabled.

2009 - Big Pharma makes secret deals with politicians in many European countries - if the WHO declares a level 6 pandemic, the countries agree to spend billions of euros on vaccines.

The WHO changes the definition of "pandemic" - removing the requirements of massive deaths in multiple countries and no one in the world having natural immunity.

The WHO then declared the N1H1 virus a level 6 pandemic, even though the death rate was only 0.017%. That forced all those European countries to pay massive money to Big Pharma - and leading to terrible problems of narcolepsy from too many vaccine recipients, including children.

Oct 2020 - WHO changed the definition of herd immunity - removing natural recovery from the disease as part of creating herd immunity - now pushing just vaccines.

This link contains HUNDREDS of links to scientific studies, top doctors and scientists around the world, the law surrounding the emergency use of medical EXPERIMENTAL products (and the right to refuse), and above all, the horrific, lying, corruptive 100-year history of Big Pharma.


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