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The Sleeper Must Awaken

3 years ago

Audio Podcast Version: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/factionsoffreedom/2021/07/19/the-sleeper-must-awaken

This is a more personal episode. Unlike last week where we delved into esotericism and the mysterium of the soul, this week we jump back into a more localized time-space. Over the weekend, I experienced a number of curiosities surrounding the vaccine, loved ones, the push and more - some of which I go over in this transmission.

Ultimately, while we attempt to go over the waterfront of news, we end up diving into the chaos of the C19 cover-up. We learn that there's actually 11 different VAERS system and we've only been alerted to the data of one! That's right, we've confirmed that the number of publicly disclosed adverse vaccine reactions is infinitely vaster than we've been told, and that's a ticking time bomb.

It's becoming increasingly more difficult to elude the jab, and at a certain point, evasion becomes counterproductive. As I pointed out last week, we are indeed becoming escape artists trying to dodge the manipulative attempts of vaccine coercion, however, eventually we have to go on the offense. Eventually, the sleeper must awaken to their reality and change it for the better.

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