one of my many unconventional dreams has come true...i have a lisp!

3 years ago

God is my therapist, sorry vortex it ain't you
i don't need you as badly as you need me
the music i play without you is way better
i hate attention, i freeze up
the Lord enjoys the show cos He knows it is for Him
slacking on my Psalms musical
Psalm 19: prayers, praises, and professions from 22 different people
passed out on my turquoise pillow
now i have designated my former bedroom as the reading room
got all my Jesus candles and now my himalyan salt lamp
i need more weed attire considering how much alcohol attire i have
i always wanted a lisp and now i have one
don't think i have developed a dry socket, THANK YOU LORD
still gonna refrain from using straws (i looked it up, i can have my cold brew just not hot coffee THANK YOU LORD)
feeling like you're dying vs. actually dying
who's them? (this time) advertisements
always a they/them...long before pronoun sitch there was a schizo sitch
real bawlsy to change pronouns
can't stay on a train of thought for shit

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