Why Trump Voters Distrust Media, Believe 2020 Election Was Rigged

2 years ago

Why So Many People Think the Election Was Rigged

The MSM (Mainstream Media) has betrayed their calling as a voice for the people and has become a weapon and an extension for the government and global elitists who despise the common citizen. Although Darryl Cooper may not capture all of our sentiments, and may not go back far enough in time for some of us (I began getting disillusioned by Republican representation almost 15-20 years ago), I believe Mr. Cooper is off to a great start!

Tucker Carlson on the Friday 7/16/2021 edition of his FOX News show read a viral tweet thread from user Darryl Cooper with the handle @MartyrMade explaining why so many Trump supporters believe 2020 was rigged.

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