Standing UP for FREE SPEECH. Stand Up Riverside for your 1st Amendment.

3 years ago

A self-governing people is a FREE people.

American is the land of immigrants that celebrates their differences and bonds over letting people be FREE to choose the life they want. Bread. land. peace.

Unfortunately, there is no education on how our FREEDOM works. What it means for users to have a Republic. This should be thought of in schools. When I ask. most can even tell me how our Republic works. How can we maintain our Republic if we do no know how it works? A self-governing people is a FREE people.

We have a Constitutional Republic with a democratic voting process. This DOSE NOT REFRENCE A PARTY at all. A Republic is a legal structure for the Great American Experiment. Every American deservers to understand what a Republic means, what self-governess means and how this compares to other legal structures in other Countries. This is why so many countries flee to America.

The opposite of self-governess is to be-governed. Our Republic should be promoted by both parties as bipartisan, but its not. Follow leaders that empower you in self-governess and freedom. Avoid leasers who wish to govern over you, shame you, or don't want you to know about how your freedoms work. They may not even know themselves. Reading and math levels have been at an all-time low. We need to Stand Up for improving the education system also. Our children need a better education system. This one is not working very well at all in my opinion.

ELPAC the last testing of reading & math in school was in 2019 :
Hispanic & Latin:
ELA 58.64% have not met slandered
Math 72.63% have not met slandered

ELA 36.84% have not met standard.
Math 50.53% have not met standard.

Black or African American:
ELA 62.29% have not met standard.
Math 77.49 have not met standard.

*stats can be found on the CASSAP website. They keep moving the page. Please post the page if you find the new one.

If you suffer from emotional thinking try reading this book! Are emotions are one of the best. most beautiful parts of being human when understood correctly. 80 % of most people thoughts are negative, which lowers the immune system and creates more conflict with the ones you love. it always feels better to have positive thought. This is an amazing book. You can develop your mind to be 80% positive also! We are all free to choose:

Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman:

We are always one generation from losing our Freedoms.
United We Stand, Divided we Fall.

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