057 Globalist Marxism = New Feudalism (Worldview Series)

3 years ago

With the Corporate/State cooperation in this so-called pandemic and the damnable pressure on people to accept what they are calling "vaccinations," the Luciferian Masters are determine to leave us with no liberty, in total submission, as they take control of our very own bodies and invade them D.N.A. altering message-RNA biologics. This is a permanent "marking" of each individual with an electronic stamp and a control mechanism that can work as a kill switch.

What one discovers is that the Northern European Protestant movement and its lying Brainwashing Press and the so-called Illuminati are ONE. If you doubt my video about the forming of the Pilgrims Society, it total control of information in the English Speaking world and its creation of MI5, MI6, GCHQ, the CIA, FBI, and NSA, and all the other clandestine quasi-military institutions in New Zealand, Australia, Canada, England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, collective known as THE FIVE EYES. And following World War Two, this apparatus through NATO, took over the control of information in Europe as well. We see that even today, where the headquarters of the Illuminati's New World Order is Brussels.

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