Why would they want a Ferritin Magnetic Substance in our body?

2 years ago

An article in 2016 from the Guardian titled "Genetically engineered 'Magneto' protein remotely controls the brain and behaviour."

The goal is to break the brain barrier with the Ferratin so it can bind to the nerve cells, then the nerves can be activated from the new 5-G frequencies and the towers -- wonder why each 5-G tower has a circuit board labeled COV-19??? It's all a plan to control us.

Project Lockstep that was released by the Rockefellers in 2010 describes everything that is going on today, it is an outline of the plans and people believe this in not a controlled or manipulated event. It is 100% a planned event, with much, much more to come and it gets a lot worse.

Look up Scenarios for the Future Technology and International Development. There is the New World Order, the Great Reset, The Fourth Reich, the Fourth Beast. Remember Operation Paperclip when our corrupt Gov brought over all the top Nazi scientists to the United States and didn't tell the masses? The plans are all in motion now.

This has never been about a virus, the Gov's around the world couldn't care less about the world's health and it's time people wake up and get out of their hypnotized trances. They EASILY manipulated this with the PCR tests in which they had multiple corporations that tested and they had them use different standards of dna amplication. If they wanted high cases they would send the tests to the corps that had 30 or more cycles and if they wanted low number of cases they would send the tests to the LOW number like 14 or less DNA cycles of amplification.

Now they plan on doing the same thing again but this time they will use the Vaccinated tests and either not test them at all like they are doing in the Sports world right now or they are, the tests will be sent off the low number of DNA cycle of amplifications. For the NON-Vaccinated, they will want this to appear that the non-vaccinated are getting sick and are responsible for the new Lockdowns that are coming. I've seen the plans, this is what they will do. They are really going to go after the children and they are going to have the FDA approve this very soon so they can get their corrupt law makers to mandate the vaccine.

The Vaccines are designed to cause slow illnesses that will gradually cause more symptoms. What you will see and you are seeing right now is that people are getting ill from the vaccines but since we are programmed that if it were a side effect from the vaccine it would happen within the first 24 to 48 hours (which is so ridiculous) and anything after is not related. How can our doctors and even the patients not know this is a hint that some black magik is being used, because it is obvious to those of us who cannot be hypnotized. ALL vaccines have poisons and heavy metals in them which the body has a very, very difficult time detoxifying and excreting. So they accumulate and slowly cause illnesses and are NEVER correlated with a vaccine. Vaccines are the invisible enemy for a silent war that is going on right now against the people of the world.

The Salk Institute say that the Spike Proteins themselves are toxic. Thus they are training every cells in our body to produce a spike protein. Crazy, but true. It goes much further, when the spike proteins are produced, so are antibodies. The more spike proteins, the more antibodies. The body could eventually become overwhelmed with Pathogenic Priming or ADE, an immune response that is too much for the body to handle. They call these cytokine storms.

Spike Proteins also cause the blood to coagulate, thus why you are hearing about all the side effects like strokes, heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms, and the lesser side effects like being out of breath after short walks, migraine headaches, and overall fatigue.

The Pfizer vaccine contains Syncitin-1, a protein vital for placenta. This is conditioning / training the body to attack the placenta. So, this explains the very high rate of miscarriages that are not being shared on Mainstream tv but talked about everywhere on Alternative media outlets.

The Irish Sentinel reported that the first autopsy of a person who died from the vaccine and they found the spike proteins in every organ of the body. So the mrna definitely enters the blood and doesn't just stay at the injection site. The article ended saying "This is a Global Timebomb."

Either the vaccine doesn't work at all or the is Antibody Dependent Enhancement. Either way, it is horrific and no good. It is really going to be scary come flu seasons when the vaccinate are exposed to Corona viruses, as this indicates the body will not be able to defend itself, and this is what happened in animal models in which they all died around the 1 year mark estimated for humans. Hopefully it won't correlate.

The ferritin in the vaccines that get in the brain will allow these evil, sick tyrants to flip a 5-G switch and have remote control of people, I know, you are thinking this is impossible. It already has been tested a long time ago and they have it perfected. This is not fake science.

The tyrants behind all of this believe in Survival of the Fittest and they believe they have the genetics that make them superior over all of us.

They believe that weak, stupid and the undesirables don't believe to live. They also believe that WE the people should only live to a maximum of 75 and have parties to take pills to end our life at this age. They are insane and want to kill us, it is not about a Party it is about them controlling and getting rid of us.

They already have convinced some hospitals to perform Involuntary Euthanasia in NHS hospitals in England. People should of woke up right when they were doing this. They believe their Spells can keep us in a trance until it is too late. They are so frightened of us if we would happen to wake up.

Our Gov has sick plans for us like hyper-inflation and famine. They are offering certain farmers a lot of money to destroy their crops and offering others up to $3,800 an acre to not plant anything and they are allowing China to buy DECADES worth of corn in just a weeks time. People have no idea or insight to what is coming very soon.

Everyone is sound asleep at the wheel thinking they are driving a Tesla that drives itself. It is time to wake up right now and when you do, you do everything in your power to wake others up and so on. We are running short on time.

Expect Shortages of EVERYTHING beginning in the fall of 2021. Food, supplies, gas, water, just everything you see in the store. They will hinder supply chains.

Why are most conforming to tyranny? Why are most complying?

Time to wake up.

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