ABSOLUTE PERIL comprehending the battlefield of WWIII

3 years ago

Full Show Info: https://danhappel.com/lieutenant-general-michael-flynn-and-thomas-mcinerney-with-major-general-joseph-arbuckle-world-war-three/
Guests: Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn (ret) — Thomas McInerney, Lieutenant General, USAF (ret) — Major General Joseph Arbuckle (ret)
It’s time to say “enough is enough” and a large number of retired Generals and Admirals (Flag Officers) and patriotic Americans are stepping forward to confront this Marxist nightmare while there is still time.

The People’s Republic of China and more specifically, the Chinese Communist Party with help from their American counterparts in government, academia, media and industry have taken over most key American institutions and are in the process of destroying their last major roadblock, the United States Military……………….and they have done it without firing a shot!

How could we adapt so easily into an ideology that is so totally opposed to the American system of limited, responsive, constitutional government of, by, and for the people. The answer is quite simple; it was planned that way and systematically executed by the useful idiots of the left who were soaked in progressive socialist ideology for many generations as they took over our institutions of higher learning. Add greed to that witches brew and you have the perfect mix of flawed ideology and greed that has destroyed advanced civilizations since the beginning of mankind.


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