Last moment's of maple the pup 😭💔

3 years ago

On June 16th just after midnight, Maple passed away peacefully in my arms. Maple was so full of love and pure energy, it is difficult to put into words how special she was and how deeply I loved her. We have spent every moment together for over 12 years and I feel lost without her.

About 10 years ago we were on a walk through the woods when she suddenly stood still. I paused to look at her to see why she stopped, and a moment later there was a tremendous thud as a large tree fell across the path where I was just about to step. She saved my life and I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for her.

She was so much more than just a dog, she was my best friend and there was such kindness and intelligence behind her eyes. She was such a comforting and calming presence, she has been there for me through so much. She has also been the best big sister to Cherry, who was so scared of everything when I rescued her, except for Maple who she would hide behind. They loved each other so much and Cherry was like Maple’s shadow, following her everywhere.

I know how much Maple meant to a lot of you, and I would hug her and tell her often how much I loved her and how there were so many people from all around the world that loved her, and how special she was. Thank you for all the love and support you have shown us over the years.

Inspired by the story @MapleThePup

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