How to Read Anyone Instantly

3 years ago

Have you ever wanted to know what someone was feeling or what they mean to say based on their body language, gestures, eye contact, facial expressions, or behavior alone? Maybe you’ve seen too many episodes of Sherlock, and so now you’re determined to become a detective yourself. While no one can read another’s mind - not even Sherlock Holmes is that good - there are some tricks that can help you get a better understanding of others, and what they really mean to say. Here are some tips on how to read anyone instantly!

“SOUL MANIFESTATION”. Begin the magical journey and discover your unique gifts.

“ALIVE AFTER THE FALL” is a comprehensive guide to help us escape the collapse of society, after the disastrous fall of Babylon.

Writer: Michal Mitchell
Script Editor & Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Sam Rain Y
ouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Naumann, L. P., Vazire, S., Rentfrow, P. J., & Gosling, S. D. (2009). Personality Judgments Based on Physical Appearance. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 35(12), 1661–1671.
Paler, J. (2020, September 22). 17 psychological tricks that can you help you read people like an open-book. Hack Spirit.
Stanborough, R. J. (2019, June 29). What Is a Duchenne Smile and How Can It Influence Other People? Healthline.

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