The Reliability of the Bible (7 min.) and the Christian Worldview

3 years ago

Christianity provides compelling answers to four ultimate questions of origin, meaning, morality, and destiny.
“But is the Bible reliable?”

After thousands of years of constant attacks, opposition, and intense scrutiny by critics − warfare that no other work has ever seen − the Bible has withstood the onslaught, has gained credibility, and the Christian faith has continued to thrive throughout the world. Why?

No other written work has the power to convict people of their sin, the ability to change human nature, and offers a permanent solution to man’s greatest problem.

Consider the uniqueness of the Bible: a record of God’s message to His creation, miracles, history, an honest assessment of evil and the heart of man, unique claims, a plan of salvation, and a specific description and vision of the end times.

According to Bible scholars,

1,845 references point to the return of Jesus Christ
More than a quarter of the Bible is prophecy (some suggest one third)
Jesus’s return is highlighted in seventeen Old Testament books, as well as 321 mentions in the New Testament.
The “God-breathed” sixty-six books in the Bible were written by forty different authors from diverse backgrounds
Scriptures were written in three different languages over a period of 1,500 years on three different continents by men who never communicated with each other!

Archaeology confirms the Bible, hundreds of eye-witnesses testify to it, history supports it, martyrs died for it, and prophecy reinforces its truth.

If you really want to understand truth, it is revealed throughout Scripture; and Jesus said the truth will set you free!

Oct 19, 2018

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