Cute kitten playing with vacuum cleaner

3 years ago

The cat (Felis silvestris catus), also known as the house cat, urban cat or domestic cat,[4] is a carnivorous mammal of the felid family, very popular as a pet. Occupying the top of the food chain, it is a natural predator of various animals, such as rodents, birds, lizards and some insects. According to research conducted by North American institutions, cats consist of the second most popular pet in the world, being numerically second only to aquarium fish.[5][6]

The first association of cats with humans of which we have evidence occurred about 9,500 years ago,[7][8] an earlier period than previously estimated, which ranged from 3,500 to 8,000 years. The subfamily Felinae, which groups the domestic cats, arose about 12 million years ago, expanding from sub-Saharan Africa to reach the lands of present-day Egypt.[9] The African wildcat (Felis silvestris lybica) is believed to be its immediate ancestor.[10] Additionally, genetic evidence points out that present-day domestic cats share a direct provenance with the wild cats of the Middle East.

There are about 250 breeds of domestic cat, whose weight ranges from 2.5 to 12 kg (6 to 11 lb), placing the species in the category of small to medium-sized domestic animal. As with some breeds of dogs that have this same weight range, the domestic cat can live between fifteen and twenty years[11]. Census data point out that in the United States there are more domestic cats than dogs.[12] Recent estimates indicate that Brazil will soon show this same characteristic, having a larger feline population than canine in its households.[13][14][15]

Due to its independent personality, it has become a companion animal in many homes around the world, pleasing people from the most varied lifestyles. In human culture, it figures from mythology to superstitions, including cartoon characters, newspaper strips, movies, and fairy tales. Among its best-known representations are the cats: Tom, F

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