2 years ago

Fortnite has been one of the biggest current fevers, being the second - in terms of release date, in terms of player numbers it is still a mystery who has more - major representative of the Battle Royale style.

And if you've just started playing, and the lack of a tutorial or a boot camp is getting you a bit lost, come check out this guide to get you up to speed on how to play.

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Your success or defeat may already be defined inside the bus that will take you to the battlefield. If you choose to jump too early, or even too late, falling too slowly can be the defining factor between being among the last 10 survivors or among the first 10 victims.

Imagine you are aiming to fall into a chest, but a player fell exactly 2 seconds before you, he has a gun and you have a pickaxe, you are probably dead.

If you jump off the bus and go down looking at the ground, in a straight line, you go down faster. So always mark on the map where you want to fall - even in solo mode - and try to calculate where you need to fall in order to come down in a straight line and then parachute down.

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Avoid the "named" places
When you open the map before you fall, you will see a number of places labeled with names, let's face it, if you are reading this list it is because you are not yet confident in your skills with the game.

So avoid these places, they usually have a high number of people because these places usually have a lot of equipment, try to go to some unmarked places, the probability of you running out of good equipment is higher, but the probability of staying alive longer and learning more about the game as well.

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Equipping yourself
Okay, you have fallen somewhere uncrowded and are lucky enough to have some equipment. It is time to know what to choose.

Remember that weapons have quality levels, which influence their damage, among other characteristics, and these levels are ranked by color. From worst to best we have: white, green, blue, purple, and gold.

Small shields only fill up to 50 shield, bandages only up to 75 life, remember this before using a large shield

You have limited space for items, so choose a variety of different weapons - we will talk about them later - and some healing items (1 to recover shield and 1 to recover life)

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Gather resources
If you have seen any other Battle Royale, Fortnite has one big differentiator: You can build things.

Among your options you can build walls, ramps, platforms, and roofs (traps too, but that's a more intermediate level).

These constructions use resources - wood, brick and metal - whenever possible, use the pickaxe on houses, trees, rocks and cars to gather as many resources as possible, they will be very useful for your survival.

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