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3 years ago

CS Bennett, decorated Navy veteran (Desert Shield/Desert Storm - USS Nimitz, USS Saratoga, naval supply and intelligence) degreed in the Social Sciences, Criminal Justice and Political Science/Public Administration, University of North Florida, magna cum laude resides in a small and colorful rural town named Interlachen, Florida (pronounced Inter-lock’n).
25 books (Amazon, Barnes & Noble Online Bookstore), national conservative talk radio cohost, columnist for several national political online news journals, former Vice Chairman-Putnam County Republican Executive Committee (REC), Member of American Legion Post 45.
CS Bennett is comfortable operating under the radar, but remains a sought-after keynote speaker and man of enlightenment.
Family man, amateur historian, world traveler in such far off lands as Egypt, Tunisia, Israel, Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Great Britain, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Greece and islands throughout the Caribbean, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Virgin Islands.
His classic political novels are ‘Beyond The Founding Fathers’ Vision’, ‘By George, The Radicals Are Back!’, and its sequel, ‘America’s Original Radical’.
His latest political drama, on the way to becoming a classic, debuted in April of 2017, entitled ‘The Conservative Prodigy’.
CS Bennett is a dynamic, potent, and powerful political voice. You can find his latest novel, and military action thriller, 'The China Checkmate’ dynamic, potent, and powerful political voice. Get his latest novel, a military action thriller, 'The China Checkmate.’


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