Reciprocal Love

3 years ago

Heart To Heart, It is a good day to add value to someone’s life. The Son rises on our day and shatters the darkness of night adding great value to our day. This happens every day, showing the faithful love of our God, Who lovingly maintains our world, this beautiful place He spoke into being. We experience the kindness, providential care and nurturing love from our God faithfully every single day. We can show reciprocal love, because we have been given so much from our God, so much that it naturally overflows from us if we are not distracted with self-interested selfishness, knowing no love expression higher than self. Heart To Heart, we are loved well, therefore, we are also challenged, encouraged by God, to express reciprocal love. On This Day, we should take the time to be alert to those around us. In this compassionless world where civility is hard to find and people are invisible and isolated from each other, I do hope we all notice the people around us today, and intentionally be kind, be loving, and add value to all those we meet today with respect, compassion, civility and forbearance. Reciprocal Love, acknowledges other people, letting the Sonshine break through our lives in tenderhearted kindness and unconditional love towards others. Just as when we acknowledge God’s ever-present Presence, basking in our love relationship with Him, being valued by Him, we should do so for others. Our Awe God, He is always, continually adding value to our lives, and thus and therefore, we are challenged to be so for others. Reciprocal love, it is not duty as much as it is an overflow from being loved abundantly, it never stops giving. Let God’s love flow freely from your life to others. On this day, Dare to care, be bold in love, leaving all those you relationally collide with, in that divine God appointment kind of way, smiling, loved and better. God bless your day. Shine in God’s love. Be reciprocal and love well. Dig Deeper:

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