3 years ago

Not your usual NESARA-GESARA video.
Narrated by KAZ. Read along...

NESARA = National Economic Security & Reformation Act. GESARA is Global.

The greatest POLITICAL INTRIGUE, of which most have NO IDEA.
Of course... Follow the MONEY!!
$1, +40 ZEROS >>> QUATTUORDECILLION DOLLARS !! Likely held as Gold, currency, etc.

First published, here, April 5, down below, along with another from Deborah (Tavaras?) among the first posts:
( ).

Think of it as an unfathomable amount of money that has been fought over, for decades! Political Intrigue... on Steroids.

Other Links:
This just released shows evidence of massive amounts of money (Gold, Silver...) in world wide banks...

PPS - THIS IS IT FOLKS!! If ever there was a reason to have us expired, we’re in it right now! It’s OUR money. Do you think they want it divvied up among Billions of Peeps? Hence, massive methods are being used, for our demise! No shit!!

Go wild with this... link/mirror this to everyone!! Is this the real reason the real president is up against so much hate?? I’d bet my portion...

Please, Rumble with me.

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