Biden denounces communism as universally failed system says socialism isn't a very useful substitute

3 years ago

DeSantis said every option should be explored, including using offshore and satellite technology to supply internet service, even using hot air balloons as to provide connectivity.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki acknowledged on Thursday that the lack of internet 'is a huge issue in Cuba and one that is very challenging for the people of Cuba so they can gain access to accurate information they can correspond with family members and others.'

'We are certainly looking at that to see what can be done to address, but in terms of that specific proposal I don't have an assessment of that,' she added.

Additionally, Psaki finally condemned communism as a 'failed ideology.'

'Communism is a failed ideology, and we certainly believe that it has failed the people of Cuba,' she said at her press briefing. 'They deserve freedom.'

Psaki originally refused to condemn the communist regime amid the state crackdown on demonstrations and instead blamed 'government mismanagement'.

Psaki also defended critics who say Biden hasn't done enough on the issue, saying 'he is certainly advocating for and speaking out as we put out a statement, multiple statements.'

'He has made clear that he stands with the Cuban people and their call for freedom from both the pandemic and from decades of repression and economic suffering to which they've been subjected by Cuba's authoritarian regime,' she added.

Florida Democrats want Biden to come to Miami to give a pro-democracy and human rights speech that would address the situation in Cuba but could also tie in Haiti.

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