West Papua National Anthem (1961-1963; Instrumental) Hai Tanahku Papua

3 years ago

In 1961 the Netherlands set up a parliament in the colony of Netherlands New Guinea, responsible for preparing the territory for independence. The Dutch recognized the flag and anthem “Hai Tanahku Papua” in November 1961. The anthem was officially used, until West Papua fell under Indonesian government control in 1963.

Hai Tanahku Papua ("Oh My Land Papua") was an anthem of Netherlands New Guinea and of the unilaterally declared Republic of West Papua.
The anthem was composed by the Dutch missionary Rev. Izaak Samuel Kijne during the 1930s.

(English Lyrics / Translation)
Oh, my land Papua
You're my land of birth
I shall always love thee
Till' the time of my death

I love the white sands
On your joyful beaches
Where the blue seas
Are sparkling brightly

I love your mountains
Grand and majestic
And the skies that floats
Surrounding their peaks

I love your land
That with your fruits
Shall pay my labour
and my work

Thank you, Lord
You've gave me my land
Make me diligent, too
To spread Your cause.

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